Monday, February 2, 2009

Better Late Than Never

And so it was that on a beautiful but bitterly cold January day I rolled and tumbled down the Middlebury College ski slope in my cap and gown to finally celebrate my graduation. There's a longstanding tradition here that January graduates (about 120 of us) follow up the formal graduation ceremony with a group ski down the Snow Bowl. I was that guy who lived in the mountains for four years and went skiing only a few times, so on Saturday I made it down to the bottom of the mountain in one piece but with a face full of snow.

I haven't posted on this blog yet. I like to write but haven't had anything worth writing about until now because I haven't gotten to go prawn fishing in Vermont. Plus, I haven't started doing the earth yet so I didn't want to jump the gun. But now that college is done and the trip is right around the corner, I wanted to make my debut in the blogosphere.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Phil and Scott couldn't have made plans to do the earth without Phil graduating early, but equal credit should be given to he who graduated a semester late.

Now, it's time to do the earth. Stay tuned...


sally said...

You did not finish a semester finished right on time. and with Bells On!!! xoxoxoMommy

sally said...

Four Seasons is A D43A Subhash Marg